Monday, January 12, 2009

Cerebus: A Diablog

Dave Sim's Cerebus is one of those epic works, like War and Peace or anything by Neal Stephenson, that I really want to have read. I just don't want to read it. I have an appreciation for its role in the history of comics and I'd like to see first hand the spiraling descent into madness that I understand Dave Sim to be. But clocking in at 6,000 pages, the work is daunting when I know I'm not actually going to enjoy much of it.

But I'm motivated to give it a try now as Laura Hudson and Leigh Walton start their weekly issue-by-issue analysis at Cerebus: A Dialog. Even handed and aware, it's a thoroughly interesting read, but lacks any introduction explaining why Cerebus was such a compelling work. Start with the wikipedia entry, pick up the hefty first volume, and read along.

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